Advanced Gynaecology Auckland

About us

At Advanced Gynaecology Auckland (AGA), we are a team of dedicated specialists who are passionate about providing exceptional care for individuals dealing with pelvic pain, endometriosis, and a wide range of gynaecological issues.

With our extensive knowledge and experience, we are committed to delivering the highest level of holistic care to our patients, focusing on their unique needs and well-being

Meet our Specialists

  • Dr Amelia Ryan

    Dr Amelia Ryan

    Dr Amelia Ryan is a gynaecologist and obstetrician in Auckland, New Zealand. She works as a consultant in public practice at Te Whatu Ora Health New Zealand Waitemata and as a gynaecologist and director of Advanced Gynaecology Auckland.

  • Dr Michael Wynn-Williams

    Dr Michael Wynn-Williams

    Dr. Michael Wynn-Williams is a highly respected Gynaecologist and renowned endometriosis specialist (AGES/RANZCOG Level 6). After an extensive career working as a Gynaecologist overseas, he has returned to his roots in New Zealand, establishing himself in Auckland.

  • Dr Anna Bashford

    Dr. Anna Bashford is a skilled, caring gynaecologist and an experienced and meticulous laparoscopic surgeon. Her qualifications include MBChB, FRANZCOG, and MRMed (Hons).